Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I Have a Linkedin Profile. What Now?

I keep hearing that I should have a Linkedin profile. So I created one and nothing much is happening. Now what?

1 comment:

USDCareerBlog said...

Think of Linkedin as a tool. If you buy a hammer or a screw driver and put it away in a drawer, it also won’t be of much benefit to you. It needs to be used to be of value. We recommend you create a Linkedin profile and then make full use of it. That includes posting a complete and up-to-date profile and work history, including an appropriate head shot. Secure connections and network with them (and your connections’ connections). Request recommendations, join and participate in USD alumni groups and additional groups in your career field. And search for opportunities in the Student Portal.

Some Linkedin users, depending on their career fields, use such Linkedin apps as WordPress, Google Presentations, and Portfolio Display to present their work in a professional manner.

We suggest you start by learning more at Linkedin’s Learning Center:

Think of Linkedin as one component of your career development and job search “toolbox” – and use it to its full advantage.