Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Posting Defunct Organizations on Your Resume

I’ve worked for two companies that are now out of business. I’m afraid if I include them on my resume, I won’t be able to provide references because I have no idea how to find my former bosses. Help!

1 comment:

USDCareerBlog said...

Many companies and organizations cease operations, merge with other organizations, or go out of business. For candidates with many years of experience, recruiters may ask to see pay stubs or tax statements to verify employment at those organizations.

But with entry-level college students, recruiters typically do not require verification of employment, nor will they contact former employers for references. So it’s unlikely that having worked for a now-defunct organization will in any way hamper your job search. And, of course, these may be important (or the only) positions for inclusion in your resume – so don’t hesitate to include them.

You can also try to track down a former supervisor/boss on Linkedin, and ask him or her to provide a recommendation on your Linkedin profile.